The Reasons for Female vs. Male Infidelity Explained by Evolutionary Psychologist David Buss

Uh And I have to back up just a second on that . Uh We know that affairs are very costly for women . So if discovered , they result in um infidels result in violence , sometimes they result in killing , you know , getting to the killing .

The Reasons for Female vs. Male Infidelity Explained by Evolutionary Psychologist David Buss

But , um , uh , but also women suffer more than men . If an infidelity is discovered , they suffer reputational damage , they suffer , suffer , uh , sometimes social ostracism . Uh , it's , uh , cataclysmic for their relationship .

The Reasons for Female vs. Male Infidelity Explained by Evolutionary Psychologist David Buss

So they don't experience the costs . And of course , there are costs to men as well by being discovered . They're just not as uh cataclysmic as they are as they are for women .

The Reasons for Female vs. Male Infidelity Explained by Evolutionary Psychologist David Buss

Uh , it's , uh , cataclysmic for their relationship . So , you know , it's , in fact , it's one of the leading causes of divorce worldwide across cultures uh is if there's a female infidelity . Um And so , and so the issue is what benefit could be so great to a woman that she's willing to risk all the , all these costs if it's discovered .

The Reasons for Female vs. Male Infidelity Explained by Evolutionary Psychologist David Buss

Um And it could work if there were no costs . And this is , you know , one of the reasons why men and women um commit Infidelities in , in secret , you know , it's been driven underground . They , people don't go on Twitter and say , hey , I just , hey , I just had an affair on my partner , you know , um uh it's driven underground .