And so that was a big um aspect about me choosing UN C . Um But I think a big part of kind of choosing where you want to end up going is not just making it because of the sport . Um Obviously , that's a big part of who we are .
I think it , it , it's very tricky at first . Um You don't really know the level of interest you're gonna get till that June 15th day when colleges can , you know , contact you , of course . Um So it can be very tricky as far as like knowing what level of interest you have , you know .
Um And I think the biggest thing as far as recruitment is you want to show what makes you different um and unique . I think every prospect is gonna be , especially at the schools that you probably aspire to go to um are all gonna be pretty good . Um And so what makes you different is the biggest thing .
So it's definitely hard to be seen at first . Um And so making the move uh to Img Academy of Florida at the age of 12 , it was a big move for me . Um definitely hard to leave my family and friends at a young age .
Um It's just the importance of realizing that your current sample size of your competition is not the whole picture . Um It's way bigger than you think there's way more um athletes who are playing in your position , aspiring to be at the schools where you want to go . Um And so I'd say definitely not comparing yourself to , first of all , don't compare yourself to anyone else but um don't get caught in comparing yourself to just the people in your circle .