Kristin Cavallari

We had no idea . I'm trying to picture myself in high school getting cast on a show . I would have failed out .

Kristin Cavallari

I mean , we were kids , you know , that's where it's like , ah , it's tough . It's really tough because in one part it became one of the biggest shows and then on the other end it's like , yo you're in high school , that's your life . When you say they would lie to your face .

Kristin Cavallari

But it's like , how did it feel having these grownups come into your life ? Stir up drama and kind of like manipulate these storylines to get a good show going when you're in high school . Yeah .

Kristin Cavallari

It literally was like a like school project that just happen to be from MTV . And it's crazy because reality TV , really ? Like , no one had gotten famous from that yet .

Kristin Cavallari

I love that question . I mean , I think um wow , if I was never on Laguna Beach , I probably would have gone to school and , you know , did broadcast , studied broadcast journalism , hopefully it would have worked my way and still , I don't know , I feel like in a lot of ways I probably wouldn't be as far along on my journey as I am today because ultimately being on TV , at such a young age and going through everything I've gone through over the years has really forced me to grow up a lot . I think the older we get , we realize life is building blocks and everything starts to make sense .