Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

It's the only reason I open with it . Um Kind of gets me thinking about the uh the strike that we're in , but that's a , I don't know , maybe we put a pin in that . So we just open our show .

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

Well , thank you . So , you know , it's funny because I hear , you know , because I have so many friends now who are really hurting over the strike . Yeah .

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

Um , but I think that , yeah , in those systems , um when you're in those systems where it's a family system , which I think a lot of people are in or work system , you gotta ask yourself , I , you know , am I gonna take that healthy risk to break free from this narcissist system that doesn't see me , you see my value uh and grow or am I , am I gonna collude with them and get sick or live in their shadows and not actually shine your light dot dot dot No , that's part of it . Live in their shadows , not shine dot dot dot And get sick . Yeah .

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

It's just a different way to get there . But I try to , I've used that anger to say to fight it to try it . Well , at least for other people , you know , I've made a lifetime of trying to see of seeing those people and then I'm just constantly shocked at the people who don't see them , you know ?

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

You know , now there's other reasons , obviously he had better running game and things like that , But the point his running backs were better , but the point is sometimes , you know , you have to slow it down , you end up slowing life , slows you down , then the world slows down and everything connects . Sometimes things catch up to you . And so with my friend , you know , some of his ideas were just so far out there that they would make sense to me .