Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

But then I , I go in , I didn't see much . Um but when I really look into consumer behavior now , Natasha uh for scripted shows , we have as consumers , they have trained us now to go a year , year and a half , sometimes even two years without our favorite shows coming back . And then you add to the fact that we have more content than ever .

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

Uh And more than likely they'll never acknowledge your greatness . I mean , God , I remember just seeing TV shows and I , I , or movies , dramas , scripted dramas and the one character would go out and do all these great things , but then would still have the parent who was like , that's , wait , what are you working on that thing for ? That's dumb .

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

Yeah . But can people also like to listen to the shows because they get to get a catch up and they get an insight into you and your world ? Oh , yes , because that's so interesting .

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

And I feel like when you have the Sopranos come out and then a breaking bad and a and a Game of Thrones and , you know , the , the , you know , the generation of writers , the young kids , they have to be better now they are , but look at the model have to follow uh to teach them , guide them and inspire them . And so when you add all that up , it doesn't give the US writers , it doesn't give us a lot of leverage in terms of uh studios really need to rush back in and then you add in football now , which is you're gonna dominate until January or , you know , and on top of that uh reality television , TLC Bravo , the reality series of booming from what I hear from the studio heads there , a lot of them are sitting on a ton of content so they can really afford to bleed people out . Um And , uh which is tough .

Regular Guy Friday ep 134. Why They Dont See You

How much more do I have to show you of the asset that you have here ? And now I come to realize like , you know , as those shows have faded away and those people with them just , they didn't get it . They didn't have the capacity , they never will , they're only in their little world .