Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

It's not even about being loving , it's about being love , being the source of love and then letting that love show up in whatever form and fashion that it wants that it dictates , right ? And so , and then every relationship problem in our lives ultimately doesn't matter if it's platonic or professional romantic . Every relationship problem is really just one problem and it's looking outside ourselves for what only exists within .

Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

It's being the love that is the all that is God is the self , right ? So every relationship problem then is just one , really , every problem in the world ultimately is just one and it's looking or depending on others to feel love or feel loved . Another way to say that is looking or depending on or making contingent your experience of love or happiness or peace on anything or anybody else in the world , right ?

Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

And so , and then every relationship problem in our lives ultimately doesn't matter if it's platonic or professional romantic . Every relationship problem is really just one problem and it's looking outside ourselves for what only exists within . It's looking for love where it doesn't live , where it doesn't exist .

Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

We all explain , understand , describe love in different ways without knowing it . So every relationship problem really comes down to , it is reduced down to two people who have different understandings or appreciations or experiences of what it means when they say I love you . So when you say I love you , what do you mean by love ?

Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

That it's something somehow is very different . And I discovered that as I was talking to people , uh couples and single people that we can almost reduce every single problem in our lives down , particularly every relationship problem down to one problem . That problem is how do I define or describe love ?