Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

It's just really exists as one , right ? So the true you is nothing but love . It's nothing but life or nothing but uh light as well , right ?

Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

We've all heard that before . I think that's true . I say the greatest love is self love and self love leads to other forms of love .

Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

That is not a spiritual platitude . That is an actual fact as a literal truth , right ? Validate , normalize , empathize .

Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

Um And hopefully , as a result of those happier lives , you'll also live more successful lives , wealthier lives , healthier lives . We know that's all true . Based on decades of empirical data .

Robert Mack ~ Love from the Inside Out | Interview with Banyen Books

Uh He's the author of Happiness From The Inside Out and his new best selling book , which he will be speaking on today is Love from the Inside Out lessons and inspiration for loving yourself , your life and each other . Uh In this book , Robert shares a fresh new perspective on the meaning of true love . He explores the frustration and futility of seeking love from others instead of yourself and in the future instead of the present , he weaves together time tested scientific findings with timeless transcendental wisdom .