GDL Candace Chen

Yeah . What is the difference you say that you're coming from uh that you saw success based compared to like people that are going to fashion school ? Like what is the , what is the difference for you ?

GDL Candace Chen

So that's where the um the uh basically like the Mitzel , how it was prototype and the heel part um genius as a mechanical engineer , not someone that went to like a fashion . Did you go to fashion school as well ? Zero fashion experience ?

GDL Candace Chen

Did you go to fashion school as well ? Zero fashion experience ? Yeah .

GDL Candace Chen

They are gorgeous shoes . Uh For somebody that has like had no fashion background , you clearly knew what you were doing . I have to ask this question because I do believe um at a very young age when we're little , we know what it is that we want to do .

GDL Candace Chen

Yeah . So , um , I , I started off by , uh , because I had zero experience in footwear design and zero experience in fashion . So I , yeah , I never wore high heels .