How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I will literally push my chair back away from the table . Change my perspective perspective , open , widen my field of view . The other thing , the other thing like on the in , in the seal teams , you don't wanna , you don't wanna sound panicked on the radio for a couple of reasons .

How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

No , I'm actually gonna take a step back . I'm gonna say put my chin up , it changes my perspective a little bit more changes my visual perspective just but changing the angle of my head . Take a step back , put my hands down .

How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And then I realized it was because I took , took a step back to use a your term . I broadened my field of view , which allowed me to think more clearly because instead of being hyper focused and narrowly focused , I broaden my range of vision , I took a breath before I made my call , right ? I had to take my , take a , a nice breath to , to speak clearly .

How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

There's my leading petty officer , he's looking down the side of his weapon there's my assistant platoon commander , he's looking down the , so everyone in the platoon is looking down the side of their weapon , which means they all have a very narrow field of vision . Well , when I take a step back and look to my left and look to my right , guess what kind of field of vision I got , I got a massive one . I can see the whole scene and I can see exactly what it is we need to do .

How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And what I see is every other guy in my platoon is staring down their weapon staring down the site of the weapon , which means their field of view is tiny . It's like a 20 degree field of view . You're looking down the , the , the scope of your weapon or the site of your weapon .