How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I'm thinking well , but no one else is saying anything . So I muster up all the courage I can and I open my mouth and I say , hold left clear , right , which is a basic tactical call . No , no , no , this is not a patent level , genius maneuver .

How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's just a normal call to make in a situation that we were in . I say , hold left clear , right . And I'm expecting to get kind of slapped told , shut up new guy .

How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But when you have 16 guys or 20 guys , they're all looking in the same direction . It's very easy to be the guy that goes on to take a step back , look around , make a call . So when you talk about the mechanics , when I teach this to people , now , the mechanics of it take a step back .

How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And so I started to do this kind of with my normal life was to not get wrapped up in my own emotions , not get wrapped up in the , the , the gunfight that was happening right in front of my face , not to get wrapped up in the details of what was going on . But instead take a step back detach , look around and then you can make a be much , much better decision and it's not , it's , it's exponential . You if you're looking down the sites of your weapon and you take a step back and you look around , it's exponential how much more you can see .

How to Detach: A Super Power for Life & Leadership | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And then I realized it was because I took , took a step back to use a your term . I broadened my field of view , which allowed me to think more clearly because instead of being hyper focused and narrowly focused , I broaden my range of vision , I took a breath before I made my call , right ? I had to take my , take a , a nice breath to , to speak clearly .