LA Unscripted | September 15th, 2023

She's got a great voice and there's something about her music because it draws on so many influences that it allows her to appeal to a broader audience from shaking hips to shaking hydraulics . If you live in L A , chances are you've seen low riders cruising the city streets , but the intricately customized cars hold much deeper meaning beyond their elaborate exteriors . And it's not just men behind the mechanics .

LA Unscripted | September 15th, 2023

Now fasten your seatbelts because you're about to roll into the world of local Chicano low riders . For me , it's telling the story of just Chicano low riding . There's so many different elements that come into play .

LA Unscripted | September 15th, 2023

I'm a Chicana , a low rider and a fine artist . And I'm gonna reveal how art and low riding intersects . I do work in a body shop , but I have an art studio inside a body shop .

LA Unscripted | September 15th, 2023

And it's not just men behind the mechanics . Now fasten your seatbelts because you're about to roll into the world of local Chicano low riders . For me , it's telling the story of just Chicano low riding .

LA Unscripted | September 15th, 2023

They just have really crazy cars . Stories like Jacqueline's are reminders of why I love our city and the people in it and we are putting the pedal to the metal with a super special low rider themed episode coming soon with even more wheels and low rider legends . You won't want to miss it .