GDL Shelton Wilder

So that's kind of the , the different spin on it . And then really just the whole client experience is so important to me . I mean , I have an entire assistant just dedicated to gifts to gift giving .

GDL Shelton Wilder

We have , we have four Escrows this week . Clients are very happy that they're going great . So , yeah , busy week and , and , and it's always , it's always that way and we can , you know , so much goods coming out .

GDL Shelton Wilder

I'm like , well sell their home and it's , and I , I , what I love is helping clients build wealth and it's such an important position . I feel like to be a part of their journey with your clients and it is so intimate because you're seeing their money , their homes and you know , be on that journey with them . So I , I feel like it's a privilege to get to do what I do .

GDL Shelton Wilder

We want to promote all the people that are doing great in the , in the world , in L A and you know , bring all the , you know , everybody in L A too lately have just been talking about all the homeless and the crime and it's like there's still so much great going on and we need people like you to keep us there . Your focus on human relations is so positive . Uh Can you tell us what you and enjoy what I keep yourself ?

GDL Shelton Wilder

And so showing about how , because sometimes realtors don't get the best reputation , you know . So we want to show how we are being , we are giving back to the community And so it's like every time that we work with a client they get to pick the charity that they want to get back . And then part of our commission goes and we will surprise their charity or their person , or .