GDL Shelton Wilder

So , so that's , that's where I am so far and , and , and II , I love it and it's just gone so well . I think people are craving some positivity . Yeah .

GDL Shelton Wilder

We want to promote all the people that are doing great in the , in the world , in L A and you know , bring all the , you know , everybody in L A too lately have just been talking about all the homeless and the crime and it's like there's still so much great going on and we need people like you to keep us there . Your focus on human relations is so positive . Uh Can you tell us what you and enjoy what I keep yourself ?

GDL Shelton Wilder

And it brings me so much joy and it goes back to like , what's my , why ? And it's to connect and put out good content , bring on great guests and just , just keeping nothing but uh positivity and great vibes . Like one of my big lies is to just like , like the power of joy and laughter can heal so many .

GDL Shelton Wilder

Like , what , what does , what do people want to see ? And I just think that there's so much good in the world and we're only focusing on the bad . So , yeah .

GDL Shelton Wilder

The Negatron . You are the positron too . I feel like I came in here and I was like , oh my gosh , this is , this is what we need .