GDL May 2, 2023

I might still go . You should , no , you should be , you should be a life coach . You should be a life coach because yesterday I wasn't feeling very well and I was just like , I was having a moment and I called you and I was all like , like , oh , like snotty .

GDL May 2, 2023

So I appreciate you . You're the first person that's told me I should be a life coach . He was offered $1000 once you were after I gave her advice .

GDL May 2, 2023

Actually , um , a lot of our clients were , a lot of our customers were , uh , it was just busy people at home that wanted the work out to come to them . You know , they wanted a trainer . No , I did this for like three years myself , but I just did it myself .

GDL May 2, 2023

You're an entrepreneur man too . So I was like , let me gather all the best trainers , you know , put them on the app and then people could just order in demand and they can fill in the gaps in their schedule or make it their full time thing , which many did and we grew it across the US . It was my first , I think um you know , to entrepreneurs and it was , it was crazy .

GDL May 2, 2023

You should , no , you should be , you should be a life coach . You should be a life coach because yesterday I wasn't feeling very well and I was just like , I was having a moment and I called you and I was all like , like , oh , like snotty . Yeah .