GDL Arielle and Prana

Even us as human beings , our frequency is constantly vibrating and something as simple as you not having a good day could vibrate to someone else and turn their day upside down . So that's how important it is to be able to tap into the frequency that you're vibrating with whether it's from you or for um from a food . Um I give an example one day I was in a grocery store and a lady was um in the daily section and she had just pulled out , but she was making fresh sandwiches and then she started chopping up the fruit and I was like , oh , that fruit looks so good .

GDL Arielle and Prana

It's the same with your food . So you may have something that has uh made your food vibration change over to not such a good frequency , but your words have power . So when you speak , when you pray over your food , you change the frequency of it .

GDL Arielle and Prana

So what is the frequency of sea moss OK . So everything in the universe is energy , everything is vibrating , which can be measured in megahertz . And so what's the megahertz for those that don't ?

GDL Arielle and Prana

Everything is contributing to the measurable frequency of your body . Even us as human beings , our frequency is constantly vibrating and something as simple as you not having a good day could vibrate to someone else and turn their day upside down . So that's how important it is to be able to tap into the frequency that you're vibrating with whether it's from you or for um from a food .

GDL Arielle and Prana

So uh when I went into acts there was like , is your frequency growing ? You're vibrating so high with the earth , the earth vibration recognized you more than human can . So being in that silence in that time of still isn't alone .