GDL Arielle and Prana

I'm just kidding . What is the hype about sea moss ? It is everywhere everyone is talking about it .

GDL Arielle and Prana

Everything has a frequency , right ? So what is the frequency of sea moss OK . So everything in the universe is energy , everything is vibrating , which can be measured in megahertz .

GDL Arielle and Prana

And he was just bringing it to me and I was paying for it . Then he introduced me to Sea moss and I was just like , what is this crap ? But at the same , at the same time , I was like , wow , look at my skin change .

GDL Arielle and Prana

I want to talk . My first thing that I want to talk about is tell me about sea moss and for our viewers that are washing watching , washing out their mouths from eating sea mouse . I'm just kidding .

GDL Arielle and Prana

So please take me back . I would say a good five years before the world even heard of Sea Moss or alkaline water . I was ingesting it , consuming it .