Exposing My Athlete Roster

I didn't fuck him . But really , I was just feeling really insecure about my situation and I purposely didn't shave that night because I was like , I will not fuck him so fast forward to . That's the only time I ever see him in person .

Exposing My Athlete Roster

I was , I was wearing heels . I was wearing making my pants look , I looked great like I was looking finally great . I had my extensions locked in like I was like looking good .

Exposing My Athlete Roster

I was wearing making my pants look , I looked great like I was looking finally great . I had my extensions locked in like I was like looking good . I was orange and time I got my straight tan , my fake hair , my fake tits .

Exposing My Athlete Roster

He drove me home like no hand . I literally couldn't look at myself like I was so mortified and my friends can literally my friends , I walk in the door and my friends are like , what happened ? And I rip off my sandals .

Exposing My Athlete Roster

So we go to icon . I have never felt uglier , I'm disgusting , whatever . So this is the only time .