Watch your thoughts because you're drawing into your life . What you are focusing on meditate on this card when you want to click when you want clarity and directness in thoughts and speech . So didn't say that .
You have an event today for um acting . This is focus also . Do you know the number one element that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates say is most important in a human ?
No , I don't want that for Kyle Ty's birthday . Focus . Let's give us , give us something fun .
Um I'm taking , I'm having some birthday snacks with you . So uh yeah , if you've ever , if you've ever if you've been feeling scattered now is the time to hone in on your desires . Time to be direct and very clear with your intentions .
Happened to you and let it pass by like under a bridge , which I really like . But that also help you focus kind of put your thoughts in perspective like that because you have distracting thoughts right right now right now . But um no , this is cool .