GDL March 1, 2023

Watch your thoughts because you're drawing into your life . What you are focusing on meditate on this card when you want to click when you want clarity and directness in thoughts and speech . So didn't say that .

GDL March 1, 2023

I appreciate you every day and every way . Um , let's , let's pull a card for Kyle T and see what's in store for his birthday today , in store . What's , what's in store ?

GDL March 1, 2023

You now have access to a greater wisdom beyond what the human eye can see . This is a time of great awakening , new psychic abilities and gifts come to you . Now see the sacredness in your visions .

GDL March 1, 2023

Time to be direct and very clear with your intentions . Watch your thoughts because you're drawing into your life . What you are focusing on meditate on this card when you want to click when you want clarity and directness in thoughts and speech .

GDL March 1, 2023

Psych ? You're psychic . But that's a very pisces thing .