We like bubble bubble . So you brought her , you brought her gifts . Ok .
So I bring this massive boca flowers and I don't believe in the cliche roses and all that . I always get very exotic flowers and inadvertently I got her one of her favorite flowers . What ?
Um , and I bring all these flow . I mean , this massive bouquet of flowers . Now , typically when I was on dates , I would , I have to let people know that I am not normal .
Ok . So I bring this massive boca flowers and I don't believe in the cliche roses and all that . I always get very exotic flowers and inadvertently I got her one of her favorite flowers .
And if you want to take me on , then you've got to have the issues of your own . And so my typical first date and I would meet somebody , I'd bring them , you know , logically , um , lax cook sausages . Um , every , everyone , everyone .