What Causes Stuttering & Treatment for Stutter | Dr. Erich Jarvis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh And after it was repaired , not exactly the old song came back as after the repair , but still , it recovered a lot better . And it's now known they call this neurogen neurogenic stuttering in humans . Uh would be damage to the basal ganglia or some type of disruption to the basal ganglia at a young age also causes stuttering in humans and even those who are born with stuttering .

What Causes Stuttering & Treatment for Stutter | Dr. Erich Jarvis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Because bird brains undergoes new neurogenesis in a way that human or mammal brains don't . Uh And it was the new neurons that were coming in into the circuit uh but not quite , you know , with the right proper activity uh was resulting in this stuttering in these birds . Uh And after it was repaired , not exactly the old song came back as after the repair , but still , it recovered a lot better .

What Causes Stuttering & Treatment for Stutter | Dr. Erich Jarvis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And it's now known they call this neurogen neurogenic stuttering in humans . Uh would be damage to the basal ganglia or some type of disruption to the basal ganglia at a young age also causes stuttering in humans and even those who are born with stuttering . Uh um it's , it's often the basal ganglia uh that's disrupted than some other brain circuit .

What Causes Stuttering & Treatment for Stutter | Dr. Erich Jarvis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh um it's , it's often the basal ganglia uh that's disrupted than some other brain circuit . And we think the speech part of the basal ganglia can adults who maintain a stutter from childhood , uh repair that stutter , they can repair it with uh therapy with learning how to speak slower , uh learning how to tap out a rhythm during . And yeah , I'm not a speech pathologist , but I started reading this literature uh and talking to others that , you know , um colleagues who actually ST ST stuttering .

What Causes Stuttering & Treatment for Stutter | Dr. Erich Jarvis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

What's being developed in terms of treatments for stutter . Yeah .