GDL Shane and Brett Kinsman

Oh , we were probably what , five . So I think we got , we did Cheap Brother Dozen first . The first one we turning five .

GDL Shane and Brett Kinsman

Yeah . But , um , yeah , I mean , both on Desperate and , and cheaper . We had amazing cast and amazing crew and Steve Martin was incredible to us .

GDL Shane and Brett Kinsman

So of course we knew we were on set , but it's like , you know , to the degree that a five year old ever could . And , and with , with both of the , the major things with cheaper and desperate that we did , uh , they had toys laying around on set everywhere . So we would play trucks .

GDL Shane and Brett Kinsman

We get people still , it , it shocks me . We still get people come up to us all the time and say , oh , you guys are the kids from cheaper or desperate and I'm like , am I 24 now ? How do I look like I'm five still .

GDL Shane and Brett Kinsman

They're very different . So anyways , twins is kind of lighter . One of them is a little bit darker and , you know , that's a pretty common dynamic between brothers , but they're not twins or are they twins ?