Regular Guy Friday ep. 121: Why Trips ALWAYS Change Us

That's our second name drop from after Buzz TV . My former co-host . That's right .

Regular Guy Friday ep. 121: Why Trips ALWAYS Change Us

And , uh , but they're popular and everyone else is so we're not gonna appeal to everyone , but still , I think it is important to have that disclaimer . And Maria also said , she said you gotta read your good reviews every week . Have Kelsey read the good reviews .

Regular Guy Friday ep. 121: Why Trips ALWAYS Change Us

And Maria also said , she said you gotta read your good reviews every week . Have Kelsey read the good reviews . So next week , Kelsey , you can read our good RGF reviews that we get .

Regular Guy Friday ep. 121: Why Trips ALWAYS Change Us

Hey friends . So Macy's as you may or may not know is a place I used to work at a store I still shop at and have been incredible supporters of our show for all of the above reasons .

Regular Guy Friday ep. 121: Why Trips ALWAYS Change Us

We continue to get bad reviews . Another amazing stellar one star review about a about weird music and a guy with a creepy voice . And for that reason , and I think they even had the Mr Wonderful , which I love using the shark tank .