Impact of Drinking Alcohol & Smoking Nicotine & Marijuana on Fertility | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And ideally , it would be zero and you certainly would want to avoid drinking multiple drinks per night . And so this idea of going out and having , you know , three or four drinks or four or five drinks in a given night at a time in which you're also trying to conceive Children . The biology tells us the epidemiology tells us that this is just a terrible idea .

Impact of Drinking Alcohol & Smoking Nicotine & Marijuana on Fertility | Dr. Andrew Huberman

No one can tell you . But also if you're somebody who is interested in conceiving a child , well , then you absolutely should abstain from ingesting drinks more than one or two during the time in which you're trying to conceive . And ideally , it would be zero and you certainly would want to avoid drinking multiple drinks per night .

Impact of Drinking Alcohol & Smoking Nicotine & Marijuana on Fertility | Dr. Andrew Huberman

If you want to navigate to specific topics and so forth , find out all about the data supporting the statements that I'm making so on and so forth . Now , if you're somebody who's seeking to conceive or you fall into this category that some couples describe themselves as we're not trying , but we're not not trying , meaning they're not using birth control , they're kind of letting chance run its course . Well , then you should definitely be aware of the data showing that even just one bout one bout of so called binge drinking , which is 5 to 6 drinks in a given night or half day in a 12 hour period .

Impact of Drinking Alcohol & Smoking Nicotine & Marijuana on Fertility | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But more importantly , it increases what are called reactive oxygen species in the seminal fluid in the semen that contain the sperm . This very under normal circumstances , under healthy circumstances , beautifully orchestrated chemistry of fluid that allows a sperm to thrive in their trajectory and attempt to fertilize the egg and lead to a healthy pregnancy . So if you are a smoker and you want to conceive the best advice I can give you is to quit smoking .

Impact of Drinking Alcohol & Smoking Nicotine & Marijuana on Fertility | Dr. Andrew Huberman

There's strong data showing that cannabis reduces fertility . Now , I can already hear the screams from the back , although they're probably um fairly drawled out screams from the back of people saying they smoke cannabis and they had no trouble conceiving certainly there will be exceptions . But whether or not you're male or female smoking cannabis is a bad idea .