How to Know If You Need a Rest Day | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

We use , you can get a lot of these from blood so you can look at things like creatine kinase . That's the very common one marker of muscle damage . Um We'll actually look at um L DH we'll look at myo globulin .

How to Know If You Need a Rest Day | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

We'll actually also look at um probably a couple of things you're familiar with A LT and A ST . Um These are excellent bio markers of muscle breakdown . So if we are actually suspecting that this is a chronic problem , um we're gonna actually go enemy and pull some blood .

How to Know If You Need a Rest Day | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

The myoglobin is the , the part of that , that's actually in muscle . So when muscle gets broken down that gets leaked out and put in your blood , that's one of the markers actually , that's gonna be associated with things like rhabdo , which is uh like you , you're gonna see your urine is purple , it's extremely dark because you got so much muscle breakdown that that happens and kidneys gonna have a problem and you put a bunch of stuff in there . So we use those bile markers .

How to Know If You Need a Rest Day | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Let's start local and work back to systemic , right ? Because um number one , what you're really concerned about is at the local muscle level is am I gonna create excessive damage ? Uh , and I don't necessarily mean muscle damage , I mean , injury , right .

How to Know If You Need a Rest Day | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So um those are actually some markers that we like a lot . If muscle damage is uh the thing we're concerned with , if we are more concerned with things like total training volume , systemic overload , then we may turn to something more like sleep . There's a lot of information we can actually get glain from changes in sleep , um behavior and function .