How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

You know , we know that post traumatic stress disorder gets most of the attention these days when somebody experiences trauma or adversity , they often experience post traumatic stress disorder . But what people don't know is that actually post traumatic growth is a much more common and consistent outcome . For most of us , even those of us who don't consider ourselves very resilient .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

Yeah , such a great question . You know , we know that post traumatic stress disorder gets most of the attention these days when somebody experiences trauma or adversity , they often experience post traumatic stress disorder . But what people don't know is that actually post traumatic growth is a much more common and consistent outcome .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

It's something you can do a lot about . Some people thrive when times are tough . You know , they pick themselves up from their bootstraps , they face their challenges , head on while others want to just crawl under a rock and be depressed and never see the light of day .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

Some people thrive when times are tough . You know , they pick themselves up from their bootstraps , they face their challenges , head on while others want to just crawl under a rock and be depressed and never see the light of day . So , so why do others take that more pessimistic approach to life and how do they change that ?

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

For most of us , even those of us who don't consider ourselves very resilient . And lots of what we learned , you know , through the science of positive psychology is that you can learn to be more optimistic . It's an optimistic explanatory style .