How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

These are feelings that have rippled across the country since COVID-19 hit so close to home . In many cases , we need to rediscover positivity when times get tough here to help us is Robert Mac , coach speaker , author , also called the celebrity happiness coach . Good to meet you .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

Interesting . Why do you think it took so much time to get to that place where we're now kind of focusing on happiness ? I think in just pop culture in general , if you're not appearing happy , you don't get attention from people , you don't get the kind of fame , you always have to kind of put that happy foot forward .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

So in any case , I began doing some research about unhappiness , depression , suicide and basically how to find my way out of the depths of despair and very , very slowly and gradually over the years through that research . And by applying a lot of the principles , I eventually found my way to increasing levels of happiness . Can you remember what the first step was that you took ?

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

We've been chatting with Robert Mack . He's a coach speaker and author who's also called the celebrity happiness coach . And in a time when everyone's suffering to some extent or another , whether it's isolation , depression , COVID-19 has had a terrible effect on a lot of people's psyches there .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

Welcome back . We've been chatting with Robert Mack . He's a coach speaker and author who's also called the celebrity happiness coach .