So most psychology , historically like business as usual psychology was really focused on what's wrong with people . So applied positive psychology is really the study in science of what's right with people and how to make it even sort of better , how to make your life even better . And so it's a science that grew out of the University of Pennsylvania .
It's not something that you're just gonna pick up . But what is applied positive psychology . Yeah .
For most of us , even those of us who don't consider ourselves very resilient . And lots of what we learned , you know , through the science of positive psychology is that you can learn to be more optimistic . It's an optimistic explanatory style .
It's extraordinarily helpful . The other thing I'd say is that positive thinking is very helpful , although it can be very challenging . And so sometimes if you can't be positive , try to be quiet , you know , you can just simply be quiet .
Nice to meet you . Is it like a switch that can be turned on and off happiness positivity ? You know , it's a good way of putting absolutely , you know , we're born with a genetic predisposition for happiness or unhappiness , but it's totally changeable and malleable .