How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

Yes , it's so true . You know , we have a negativity bias that's actually built into the brain . And so it takes about five positive experiences for every one negative experience in order to compensate or make up for all of that negative sort of aspect that you feel as a result of simply one negative review , one negative criticism , one negative experience .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

And so it takes about five positive experiences for every one negative experience in order to compensate or make up for all of that negative sort of aspect that you feel as a result of simply one negative review , one negative criticism , one negative experience . And so this negativity bias that's built into the brain means that our brain is really design , designed or built to help us survive , not necessarily make us happy . And so it's something we do have to work at .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

For most of us , even those of us who don't consider ourselves very resilient . And lots of what we learned , you know , through the science of positive psychology is that you can learn to be more optimistic . It's an optimistic explanatory style .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

It's extraordinarily helpful . The other thing I'd say is that positive thinking is very helpful , although it can be very challenging . And so sometimes if you can't be positive , try to be quiet , you know , you can just simply be quiet .

How to Work Toward True Happiness - With Robert Mack

You know , they pick themselves up from their bootstraps , they face their challenges , head on while others want to just crawl under a rock and be depressed and never see the light of day . So , so why do others take that more pessimistic approach to life and how do they change that ? Why should they change that ?