And , you know , a lot of people don't make it to college . And I think one of the big reasons is the mental toughness and when you're young , like , especially me having a DH D and , you know , all these feelings , like it's really hard to , you know , affect that . And even college athletes , you know , we study mindfulness , we practice mindfulness just so when we go to these competitions , you know , we're mentally stronger than other people .


And I think one of the big reasons is the mental toughness and when you're young , like , especially me having a DH D and , you know , all these feelings , like it's really hard to , you know , affect that . And even college athletes , you know , we study mindfulness , we practice mindfulness just so when we go to these competitions , you know , we're mentally stronger than other people . Like college sports isn't just about , you know , the physical side of it .


Like college sports isn't just about , you know , the physical side of it . It's so mental and when you're young , like , especially when I was young and in gymnastics , um I remember there'd be days , you know , there'd be days you can go in to practice and you could do everything flawlessly and there'd be days that you couldn't . And I think a lot of times for a coach , you know , that confuses the coach .


And thankfully , you know , at UCL A , this is one of the first experiences I've had with a coach that really is so like beneficial for me and sometimes it shocks me , you know , like I'll have a practice where I know I didn't , you know , do my best in a sense that I gave 100% . But , you know , some days , you know , you're not 100% there mentally or 100% there physically . So when you give 100% it could be like 80% of your best , but it's still your best .


So when you give 100% it could be like 80% of your best , but it's still your best . And I think a lot of athletes like struggle with that and I know I struggle with that , but having , you know , having a coach who I go up to at the end of practice where I'm just like , you know , like really frustrated at myself and without him being like , no , like good job , like , I'm proud of you , you did good today . Like without sometimes that encouragement from your coach , you know , you'll go home in the entire day , you'll just be , you know , feeling down and just upset and not like yourself .