The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So what are your , what are your thoughts about psychedelics in terms of how they intersect with the discussion that we've been having ? And um what utility do they play in recognition of the self or in other sorts of brain changes ? Well , so Uh , yeah , let's just price in all those caveats that people can anticipate .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um So how do I get back there on some level ? And that see , so that invites again a logic of changes , a logic of seeking changes in the contents of consciousness which set someone up for this , this um protracted or seemingly protracted and , and , you know , fairly frustrating search to , you know , game their nervous system . So as to have those kinds of experiences more and more , um and again , it's not that , that's in principle fruitless , but it is from the point of view of the kind of the core insight of , you know , the core wisdom of , you know , what I would take from a tradition like Buddhism , which is not , you know , it's not the only tradition that has given voice to this , but it's , I , I would argue it's given it voice to it the most in the most articulate way .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And um you know , there's some psychedelic experiences that are analogous to that . But for most people , most of the time , there's a residue of this experience and with something like MD MA , they can be quite , quite vivid um where you recognize , OK , there , there was a way of being that is quite different than what I'm tending to access by default and it is different in , in ways that are just , uh you know , obviously better and , and , and psychologically more healthy . I mean , it's possible to be healthy psychologically in a way that I , I never imagined , right ?

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , I guess it's not that somebody like Jesus or the Buddha or any of the matriarchs and patriarchs of the world's religions . It's not that they are , were all conscious frauds or , you know , temporal lobe epileptics or like there's , there's a , there's a pathological lens that you can put on top of all that . But once you have one of these experiences on psychedelics or on a drug like MD Ma , you know that there's a , there , there , you know that unconditional love is , is a possibility , right ?

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I mean , there's no doubt but this uh the truth is , I mean , just looking at this cup is just as formless and as mysterious as that , right when it's seen in the right way . And that's , and that's , that's what , you know , meditation encourages , you know , want to recognize .