The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , so Uh , yeah , let's just price in all those caveats that people can anticipate . Um , these drugs are not without their risks . And it's , it's one problem is that we have the single term drugs or psychedelics which names many different types of substances and they're not all the same and they're not .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Could you tell us why psychedelics can be useful ? And here I give the caveats that maybe you'll feel obligated to give as well . But this , we're talking about you safely and responsibly age appropriate context appropriate , ideally with some clinical or other type of guidance , legality issues .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And um what utility do they play in recognition of the self or in other sorts of brain changes ? Well , so Uh , yeah , let's just price in all those caveats that people can anticipate . Um , these drugs are not without their risks .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um , it can be , you know , a lot of the time for , you know , virtually everybody . Again , there are caveats if you , if you're prone , if you think you have , you know , uh , proclivity for schizophrenia or , you know , bipolar disorder , this is almost certainly not for you , you know , and anyone doing a , the , the , the studies like Johns Hopkins for , for , um , the therapeutic effects of , of any of these drugs , they're , they're ruling out people with , you know , first degree relatives with , with any of these clinical conditions . Um , but so for somebody like me at 18 who didn't know that this was an area of , of not only interest , but would it be the , you know , the , the center of gravity for the rest of his life ?

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um So what the drug experience did for me is it just proved . I mean , so the the one of the limitations of a drug is that , you know , obviously , no matter how good the experience the drug wears off and then you're back to , you know , more and more or less your usual form . And now you have a memory of the experience and it can be a fairly dim memory .