The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And that's a problem , right ? Because it's , it's available , right ? And it's , it's the best , you know , it , it is among the best things that has ever happened to me , right ?

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And here I give the caveats that maybe you'll feel obligated to give as well . But this , we're talking about you safely and responsibly age appropriate context appropriate , ideally with some clinical or other type of guidance , legality issues . Obeyed , et cetera .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Something with , with a psychedelic wi wi with , with MD MA . Most people tend to have certainly under any kind of guidance , tend to have a very uh positive , you know , prosocial experience . Um But , you know , with a psychedelic , you might have a AAA um a somewhat , you know , terrifying experience if you have quote a bad trip .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um , it can be , you know , a lot of the time for , you know , virtually everybody . Again , there are caveats if you , if you're prone , if you think you have , you know , uh , proclivity for schizophrenia or , you know , bipolar disorder , this is almost certainly not for you , you know , and anyone doing a , the , the , the studies like Johns Hopkins for , for , um , the therapeutic effects of , of any of these drugs , they're , they're ruling out people with , you know , first degree relatives with , with any of these clinical conditions . Um , but so for somebody like me at 18 who didn't know that this was an area of , of not only interest , but would it be the , you know , the , the center of gravity for the rest of his life ?

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But um the prospect that nothing is gonna happen is just in , you know , a million , you know , nearly a million cases out of a million . Just not in the cards . I mean , just , just neurop physiologically something's gonna happen with the requisite dose of , of , uh , of one of these drugs .