The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Could you tell us why psychedelics can be useful ? And here I give the caveats that maybe you'll feel obligated to give as well .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Most people tend to have certainly under any kind of guidance , tend to have a very uh positive , you know , prosocial experience . Um But , you know , with a psychedelic , you might have a AAA um a somewhat , you know , terrifying experience if you have quote a bad trip . You know , if you and I've certainly had those experiences on , on LSD and , and to some degree in psilocybin .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Obeyed , et cetera . All that stated it was psychedelics to me are an experience of uh altered perception , internal and external perception , altered spacetime relationship , somewhat dreamlike . I think it was Alan Hobson at Harvard for a long time , talked about the relationship between psychedelic like states and dreamlike states um because of this distortion of space time dimensionality .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , so Uh , yeah , let's just price in all those caveats that people can anticipate . Um , these drugs are not without their risks . And it's , it's one problem is that we have the single term drugs or psychedelics which names many different types of substances and they're not all the same and they're not .

The Utility of Psychedelics | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But it had been , you know , 25 years since I had done that . And , and there was this resurgence in research on psychedelics and I was being asked about psychedelics and I was talking about their utility for me . But again , these were distant memories .