Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But as a more broad theme that I think uh people are interested in , do you think it's an important criteria or it would be great to see people in positions of leadership who've had wartime experience ? Um And do you think that some of the shifts that we've seen in terms of um patterns of leadership over the last , let's just make it real broad so that this isn't related to any particular person or stretch of , of history but over the last , let's just say , 25 years , um , reflect the fact that we haven't seen a lot of that , at least at the top tiers of leadership . Yeah .

Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I share that sentiment . Um People who have led others besides themselves , I think is the , is the key statement there . And I , I look , I just , I , I have friends that are politicians and I , I really appreciate what they're doing and it looks miserable to me .

Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I don't think people are asking just to kind of entertain themselves . I think that um this country certainly and a lot of the world is desperate for certain kinds of leaders and people that have experience in high risk , high consequence , chaotic situations and have shown prowess at leadership in multiple domains . And um you are certainly one of those individuals .

Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um And , and I guess this is me being selfish of me saying , look , I , I don't think I could stomach that . And I also think that , you know , right now I'm , you know , I'm trying to help out like , for instance , you know , we have , obviously you've got the leadership consulting in echelon front . We're trying to help businesses grow .

Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Um And so they ask for that reason among others and I've heard you give your answer , you can repeat it again here . But as a more broad theme that I think uh people are interested in , do you think it's an important criteria or it would be great to see people in positions of leadership who've had wartime experience ? Um And do you think that some of the shifts that we've seen in terms of um patterns of leadership over the last , let's just make it real broad so that this isn't related to any particular person or stretch of , of history but over the last , let's just say , 25 years , um , reflect the fact that we haven't seen a lot of that , at least at the top tiers of leadership .