Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You know , I think that's the problem that we're having right now . And a lot of these things that you talked about , uh , specifically the thing you talk about social media is not very good for political balance . It's , it's , it's actually horrible for political balance and a lot of it has to do with just the way that those conversations are had , a lot of it has to do with ego as well because I don't ever want to admit that I'm wrong about anything .

Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I'd , I'd rather , um , surf and hang out with my friends and , and hang out with my family than to do that . And hopefully America can , can find some level of balance . You know , I think that's the problem that we're having right now .

Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And a lot of these things that you talked about , uh , specifically the thing you talk about social media is not very good for political balance . It's , it's , it's actually horrible for political balance and a lot of it has to do with just the way that those conversations are had , a lot of it has to do with ego as well because I don't ever want to admit that I'm wrong about anything . And if you , if I can find something that I think you might be wrong about , it's so satisfying to my ego to just call you out on that thing and attack you .

Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I travel around the country all the time . I work with companies of all sizes , work with people in every different industry and they're not , they're not sitting around arguing with each other about what , what the p the political scenery they're talking about , hey , how can we grow a business ? How can we take care of our workers ?

Jocko on Running for President | Jocko Willink & Dr. Andrew Huberman

That's what people are focused on . And when you jump on social media , you , you can get sucked into the political scene very easily . And that being said , also , we do have to pay attention because you , you , you know , we as citizens have to make sure that that America stays on the , on the correct path within the guardrails of what this country is based on .