Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

Maybe you can tell me first about the network or for , for the media and where you started the business over here and I just in the Netherlands . And when I started the company 13 years ago , it was on a mission to build a global communications company . I was pretty agnostic on where we would go .

Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

I'm excited . A bunch of leaders from our European office . So some of the folks from London , some of the folks from Amsterdam are here and I'm excited to rock and roll .

Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

And so the people that inspire me are the people that nobody talks about that put their family on their back and fucking work to try to make it better for their family and have no capacity to complain about it . Maybe you can tell me first about the network or for , for the media and where you started the business over here and I just in the Netherlands . And when I started the company 13 years ago , it was on a mission to build a global communications company .

Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

After we started in New York first , we went to San Francisco , we later moved that to L A and then we went into London and then Singapore , you know , we're gonna be everywhere . Johannesburg and Cape Town and Nigeria and the Middle East and the serendipity of clients and governments and business realities will sometimes dictate when and where and you know , this one had a little bit to do with needing to make sure we had an office in Europe , not just in London and it being a place that I've been to a lot of times and had a lot of fun . This for , yeah , to me , the number one thing at this age that you have to do is take risks early on because when you get older , you regret not taking risks .

Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

I was pretty agnostic on where we would go . After we started in New York first , we went to San Francisco , we later moved that to L A and then we went into London and then Singapore , you know , we're gonna be everywhere . Johannesburg and Cape Town and Nigeria and the Middle East and the serendipity of clients and governments and business realities will sometimes dictate when and where and you know , this one had a little bit to do with needing to make sure we had an office in Europe , not just in London and it being a place that I've been to a lot of times and had a lot of fun .