Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

So they've always been the answer to that question . However , in my journey to like try to find value or create perspective or create debate or think something else hit me recently that I've been talking about a lot lately and because I take so many 6 a.m. flights , I've had the luxury of waking up at 4 a.m. quite a bit . And going to the airport at 4 30 something hit me recently , which is like , oh , there is something else that really inspires me , which is when it is 4 50 in the morning and you're going to the airport and you look outside and you see a 52 year old woman get out of the subway , four bags in her hand .

Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

And when I started the company 13 years ago , it was on a mission to build a global communications company . I was pretty agnostic on where we would go . After we started in New York first , we went to San Francisco , we later moved that to L A and then we went into London and then Singapore , you know , we're gonna be everywhere .

Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

The question really is around . What are your biggest challenges and how can we help and assist you ? That's very sweet .

Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

My biggest frustration is I know how little I can accomplish on both of those fronts in this afternoon . But my biggest hope is that I can inspire you to act on the things that will then allow us to accomplish it . And so I guess if you leave with anything , just call my bluff .

Overcoming Fear & Taking Risks l DailyVee 641

I was pretty agnostic on where we would go . After we started in New York first , we went to San Francisco , we later moved that to L A and then we went into London and then Singapore , you know , we're gonna be everywhere . Johannesburg and Cape Town and Nigeria and the Middle East and the serendipity of clients and governments and business realities will sometimes dictate when and where and you know , this one had a little bit to do with needing to make sure we had an office in Europe , not just in London and it being a place that I've been to a lot of times and had a lot of fun .