What 30 Years of False Imprisonment Taught Bruce Bryan

And so I , I remained guarded and um and try to maintain a sense of humanity through my meditation , right ? Do fasting every now and then and just do deep introspection and reflection . For me , that was the hard part .

What 30 Years of False Imprisonment Taught Bruce Bryan

I chose the latter because one of the things I did earlier in my incarceration was make a conscious decision to not serve time , but to have time serve me , I made up my mind that if you were going to have me incarcerated for a crime , I did not commit , then I was gonna take this time and use that cell as if it was an office . I was gonna use that school building as if it was a university and every chance I , I had to just self reflect and engage in introspection and , and , and , and do the things that I needed to do to , to protect my soul . Um I was gonna do it , you know , and I made it my business to do so .

What 30 Years of False Imprisonment Taught Bruce Bryan

The easy part was education and learning . The hard part was introspection and fighting a system , right ? Not just a prosecutor or a court , but finding a system that was premised on um you know , ooooo oppression , right ?

What 30 Years of False Imprisonment Taught Bruce Bryan

They're calling you 60 cell , right ? And a lot of people begin to internalize that and lose their sense of self . And so I , I remained guarded and um and try to maintain a sense of humanity through my meditation , right ?

What 30 Years of False Imprisonment Taught Bruce Bryan

You know , the 13th amendment says you're allowed to be enslaved if you're convicted of a crime . You see , and so , you know , in , in a system like that , you have to find a way , you gotta find it within yourself too to rise above the fray . Did you meet anyone else inside that showed you this path .