I'm feeling all the feels , it's just so inspiring and , and um and again , like just putting out this positive , like , uh you know , like book into the world about you can do it . It takes , you know , you have takes belief in yourself and , and the unshakeable mindset that you can do it . And I love that you did this with your husband .
So perfect for the holidays and for anyone that has a dream which I know all of us do . We all have we all and it doesn't have to be just if you're considering a business , I mean , most of the book is about personal brand and mindset , which is foundational to any goal or any dream that you want to get after . Yeah .
Right . When you're in your alignment , when you feel your purpose , when you're passionate about what you're doing , you are truly unstoppable . I was gonna piggyback .
It's like , you know , starting a business is never easy . But if you are doing what you are meant to be doing and you have that passion , it's infectious and everyone is rooting for you , everyone just like rallies around you and says you can do this and I feel that way about you like we're vibing like I feel like I'm gonna cry so much . I'm feeling all the feels , it's just so inspiring and , and um and again , like just putting out this positive , like , uh you know , like book into the world about you can do it .
But if you are doing what you are meant to be doing and you have that passion , it's infectious and everyone is rooting for you , everyone just like rallies around you and says you can do this and I feel that way about you like we're vibing like I feel like I'm gonna cry so much . I'm feeling all the feels , it's just so inspiring and , and um and again , like just putting out this positive , like , uh you know , like book into the world about you can do it . It takes , you know , you have takes belief in yourself and , and the unshakeable mindset that you can do it .