Right . When you're in your alignment , when you feel your purpose , when you're passionate about what you're doing , you are truly unstoppable . I was gonna piggyback .
And all I kept hearing was host , host , host , find had to host like , well after eating your cupcake . So I think this is super serendipitous on so many levels . I'm , I'm blown away .
It was just you . I mean , it's incredible how tragedy and these like events that happen in our life just can create so much joy and , and so much intuition and inspiration . And um ok , so all right , so you , you decided to go to school for baking and then what happened after that walk ?
That's so much . So that was your aha moment . It was just you .
I lost my job in the dot com bust . And then shortly thereafter , 9 11 happened and just overnight , it became very clarifying , you know , in the wake of 9 11 , like was I doing what I really wanted to be doing with my life ? The answer was no and everything is so fleeting .