Alligator Attacks in Florida

Right . What is this alligator attacks do happen in Florida ? But not an alarming rate .

Alligator Attacks in Florida

You're out of your fucking mind . Those things eat people like we're just so far removed from nature that we think that and I'm not advocating , honestly , I'm joking around , I'm not advocating for the elimination of all crocodiles , but the fact that people are like really comfortable being around them , it just blows my mind just like the Florida is having more and more alligator attacks every year . Like every , is that true ?

Alligator Attacks in Florida

But I think this year there was a few , I think a few people died this year . How many people died from alligator attacks in 2022 ? Just you just Google that real quick ?

Alligator Attacks in Florida

I'm gonna guess , I think it's six . I think six people have died from alligator TD . That's nothing .

Alligator Attacks in Florida

That too . But fucking also alligators . Four so far .