And that's kind of how I ended up choosing my school is my coach was very intentional with how we spent our virtual time and he saw my scores and he knew that I was the golfer , the golf type he was looking for , he just wanted to get to know me on a personal level . So that's kind of how my recruitment went . Yeah , I say the most tangible thing or piece of advice slash strategy that I've kind of gained over my years in college , as opposed to junior golf is something called course management .


Um When it comes to recruitment , I was kind of towards the latter half of the COVID phase . And with recruitment , it was , it was kind of the worst situation for anyone wanting to start playing a sport and trying to get recruited . Because when COVID happened in 2020 that's when I started to play a lot better .


That's a great question . Um When it comes to recruitment , I was kind of towards the latter half of the COVID phase . And with recruitment , it was , it was kind of the worst situation for anyone wanting to start playing a sport and trying to get recruited .


And I think that's what stood out to me is a lot of these coaches had to adapt how they recruit . And in my experience , the biggest part of my recruitment was getting to know these coaches on a personal level through a camera and that was a bit of a challenge , but I really liked it . And that's kind of how I ended up choosing my school is my coach was very intentional with how we spent our virtual time and he saw my scores and he knew that I was the golfer , the golf type he was looking for , he just wanted to get to know me on a personal level .


So that was a bit of a challenge , not really getting to meet a lot of coaches face to face , but instead having to use an online platform to get to know these coaches as best as I could when it comes to golf , it's less of a , there is a qualitative aspect of recruitment where the coach wants to see how we react to certain situations , how we are mannerisms on the golf course . But when it comes to golf , it's more of a quantitative type of recruitment where your scores kind of speak for themselves . And thankfully , uh over my junior and into senior year , I was able to score really well in tournaments and win a handful of tournaments that made it easier for coaches to see me and , and become interested in getting to know me and over my recruitment , I I did take 1 to 2 visits to universities .