GDL Max Alexander

Mama ? Tell me we went to an exhibit in Montreal , but also we watched a documentary on Ralph Simons I think is his name . And Max became a little obsessed with him and Yeah .

GDL Max Alexander

Who do you want , who's your dream collaboration with ? Like if you could work with any , any designer , any dress designer , who do you think that could be ? You know , my , my red lipstick is Dior .

GDL Max Alexander

How do we do that ? Um , anyone that's watching that wants to be a designer or wants to make dresses ? What kind of advice would you give to them ?

GDL Max Alexander

Oh , excuse me , I love Dior . What do you love about Dior ? Um , the dresses ?

GDL Max Alexander

What inspires Max . Um Like , I think like , you know , like the dresses pool fashion like Dior . Oh , excuse me , I love Dior .