GDL Max Alexander

It's very long . And , um , I know it's crazy but this woman said , um , design anything you want . So she went to the top of the list because when people say I like red , he's kind of like , ok , well , when I'm feeling red .

GDL Max Alexander

I don't know either . You can do a lot with cardboard . It can be recycled seven times .

GDL Max Alexander

These two dresses . They can't , there's no , like , they always , he always seems to design , like , very specifically for the person without really knowing the person . It's kind of , and every time the client will say it's my favorite color or I can't believe if it's , it's , but he didn't know it , sort of , he's not getting their measurements or anything , he gets their measurements .

GDL Max Alexander

I , I have so many questions for you . But what is your favorite material to work with ? I think it's fun .

GDL Max Alexander

That is . So , I mean , he made a dress out of bubble wrap before he could sew anything . He can find .