Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

The other couple of tricks here are light . So if we know that maybe you see multiple people are struggling that day , maybe we'll put on the lights extra bright , we'll bring in some extra things and just get it more light in there and not , it doesn't even count actually going outside and seeing the sun , but perhaps we'll do that . Um And then other little tricks that I've learned over the years is uh one particular thing I love is literally drawing a line , a physical line on the ground .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

The one exception would be the long duration endurance work . Part of the reason I do that work is to let my mind go into states of drifting . Uh , I'm not trying to think in complete sentences or even close to it .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So we're having grits for breakfast . Oh my great , like just something to change your mood , uh acute state shifters um to alter it . The other couple of tricks here are light .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But since most people are likely not engineers , it is the way that the nervous system works . Um Evidenced by the fact that whatever area of your body right now is in contact with a chair or um any other surface that's been in contact with for more than a few seconds , you forget that it's in contact with it because there's low signal , the noise at that point . A similar note you actually mentioned stimulants basically there , whether you're talking caffeine or any other stimulant , any other cortisol modulators or adaptogen , any of these things fall in the category .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's got look up tables for look up tables , it's got websites to look things up on the internet . It's got photos , I mean , it is so rich with sensory data and it's so closely linked to our own brain architecture . The algorithms are designed for those to be that way that I always think about it as bringing in a second person with me , but that person is my twin that , um , has severe attention issues and for those that already have attention issues , just think about this as a twin that would then compound you by tapping on your shoulder , talking to you all the time interrupting you .