Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh I'm not going to walk past this line and into that training space until I'm ready to give that effort . And that may take a minute or 10 or whatever , but it , it , it's the physical barrier is very important to saying like I'm not just gonna get through it . I'm going to actually perform the way I want to perform or I'm not gonna do it and I'm not gonna cross this line until I'm ready to make that happen .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

We are certainly not gonna go over them , but I'll give you some examples . Um , you can pull out first of all physical movement . We do it .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

It's got look up tables for look up tables , it's got websites to look things up on the internet . It's got photos , I mean , it is so rich with sensory data and it's so closely linked to our own brain architecture . The algorithms are designed for those to be that way that I always think about it as bringing in a second person with me , but that person is my twin that , um , has severe attention issues and for those that already have attention issues , just think about this as a twin that would then compound you by tapping on your shoulder , talking to you all the time interrupting you .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But since most people are likely not engineers , it is the way that the nervous system works . Um Evidenced by the fact that whatever area of your body right now is in contact with a chair or um any other surface that's been in contact with for more than a few seconds , you forget that it's in contact with it because there's low signal , the noise at that point . A similar note you actually mentioned stimulants basically there , whether you're talking caffeine or any other stimulant , any other cortisol modulators or adaptogen , any of these things fall in the category .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And so this is when hyperventilation strategies can work uh instead of accentuating the exhale , you accentuate the inhale or you restrict the exhales , this is working in the exact opposite situation , you can also play little . This is where things like music , motivational quotes . Um If you're the type that follows people on Instagram that motivates you or can work with these things .