Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Uh I'm not going to walk past this line and into that training space until I'm ready to give that effort . And that may take a minute or 10 or whatever , but it , it , it's the physical barrier is very important to saying like I'm not just gonna get through it . I'm going to actually perform the way I want to perform or I'm not gonna do it and I'm not gonna cross this line until I'm ready to make that happen .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I , I really like that tool . It also brings to mind the importance of at least thinking about how your relationship with your phone during training um can perhaps help but also impede workout motivation and performance . In an earlier episode , you mentioned that if people are using their phone to play music during their workout , that they establish the complete playlist prior to initiating the workout and then not deviate from that playlist as opposed to changing it in the middle because there's just too much of a uh of an impulse to also check social media , check email , check text messages .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But since most people are likely not engineers , it is the way that the nervous system works . Um Evidenced by the fact that whatever area of your body right now is in contact with a chair or um any other surface that's been in contact with for more than a few seconds , you forget that it's in contact with it because there's low signal , the noise at that point . A similar note you actually mentioned stimulants basically there , whether you're talking caffeine or any other stimulant , any other cortisol modulators or adaptogen , any of these things fall in the category .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

We are certainly not gonna go over them , but I'll give you some examples . Um , you can pull out first of all physical movement . We do it .

Pre-Workout Tips to Quickly Improve Your Workout Energy | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

You actually mentioned something else that we use , uh , occasionally in which , uh , what we call brain games or puzzles , whether this is a crossword puzzle or something where you actually lose your thought of self for a second and your brain gets engaged in a task that you weren't regretting or even thinking about these can be stupid little games . Uh , it could be little challenges , especially if you're like a group or a team setting . Right ?