FULL PANEL: Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Panel

Let's get into it . If you had to sum up this new season in one word , what would you choose ? One word ?

FULL PANEL: Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Panel

You know what I'm gonna say ? The season is raw . You guys , a lot of stuff happened .

FULL PANEL: Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Panel

The newbie is having fun but like eye rolling it yesterday , you guys can see it on the car . Season one answer . It was so much fun .

FULL PANEL: Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Panel

We always have fun . Yeah , with fashion and looks . I mean , that's my stomping ground and I enjoy it and , and I have fun .

FULL PANEL: Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Panel

She wasn't her most articulate . Let's say that it was a , it was a big night and Erica , I wanted to ask you about that we've even seen in the trailer for this season , right ? You two exchanged some words .