LA Unscripted | August 10th, 2023

It will all come up on this screen so you can control , you know , your radio , your maps and everything right through your phone as well . Subaru has won just about every safety awards and accolades that there are and that's actually one of the things that we tout the most about Subaru besides being adventurous , we are one of the safest cars out there . So when they get in it .

LA Unscripted | August 10th, 2023

Tires , it gives you some really fancy interiors to make it a little bit more rugged . What makes a Subaru a Subaru people know that they can take this vehicle off road and do their crazy adventurous things and still be safe in it . And it's also a vehicle that lasts for a very long time .

LA Unscripted | August 10th, 2023

Uh We have a whole line of suvs and we are an adventure company and people who purchase this vehicle fall in love with the vehicle and it is part of their family . People wouldn't normally think of Subaru as a Southern California vehicle . But again , we're an adventurous car .

LA Unscripted | August 10th, 2023

I love that because it's very much me . So all of the Subarus are Bluetooth enabled . You can plug in your phone .

LA Unscripted | August 10th, 2023

You gave me another little fun percentage about the pets . Tell me about the Subaru pet . So Subaru owners love their pets and the last one that I saw was 2.5 pets per Subaru owner .